Come pulire il gres porcellanato: guida e consigli

How to clean porcelain stoneware: guide and advice

Read our advice for effective cleaning of porcelain stoneware : specific products to preserve the beauty of surfaces. Discover the Cego Ceramiche handbook to resolve any doubts!

Practical maintenance tips : how to clean porcelain stoneware floors.

Porcelain stoneware is an easy-care material. A few simple steps ensure the protection and long-lasting aesthetics of your tiles.

For daily cleaning of porcelain stoneware , use a floor cloth and a mixture of warm water with a commercially available neutral detergent. Avoid using waxes, rinses or abrasive tools such as wire wool or stiff brushes.

We do not recommend the use of abrasive cleaners on polished/polished surfaces; For opaque materials, test them on a small area first.

For stubborn stains or stubborn dirt, use specific detergents diluted in water according to the manufacturer's instructions, leaving them to act for the recommended time.

Here is a quick guide on products for each type of stain:

  • Limestone deposits, rust: acid product;
  • Metallic traces: acid product;
  • Beer, wine, coffee stains: alkaline detergent;
  • Greases: alkaline detergent;
  • Rubber, heels: alkaline cleaner;
  • Ink, dyes, shoe polish: alkaline detergent;
  • Oils and lubricants: alkaline detergent.

Cleaning during installation (carried out by the professional): After installation on the screed, the 'joints' are grouted. Thorough cleaning avoids stains and marks on the floor. Grouting should be carried out on 4-5 m2 at a time, eliminating the excess grout with a sponge and clean water as soon as it begins to dry. Light, diagonal movements are essential to avoid emptying the joints.

End-of-construction cleaning : Post-installation acid washing is crucial to remove construction residues (glue, paint, dust). Use an acidic detergent diluted in water, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Routine maintenance : Stoneware and ceramic are simple and quick to clean. Use warm water with a regular neutral detergent or a solution of alcohol and water.

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